Online Resources:

There are many free test prep resources available online offering a range of services. Many have printable guides and tests so you do not need to rely on internet access.

SAT Practice

Free online resources: Sample Practice Questions, Practice Test and tutorials from Khan Academy, Question of the Day, Subjects Practice Tests, Create an SAT Study Plan, and SAT® Skills Insight (help you determine and improve your current skill level)


Free online resources: Question of the Day, Preparing for the ACT test prep booklet, Test Tips, and Test section descriptions, essay prompts, other general test information (day of the test, calculator info, etc.)

Homework MT

HomeworkMT offers free online tutoring, academic resources, writing assistance and preparatory testing materials from for all Montana residents. Get help in math, science, social studies or English from a live tutor as part of this statewide service. The service can be accessed from a Montana public, school, academic or special library or from your home computer. Tutors are available Sunday through Thursday 2 p.m. — 11 p.m. The SkillsCenter is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Free online resources: ACT/SAT sample tests, flashcards, essay prompts, and test taking advice.


Free online resources: Create a free account and get access to ACT/SAT test prep videos and quizzes.

Spark Notes

Free online resources: SAT study book, power tactics, vocab novel lists, and flashcards; ACT study tips.


Free online resources: Create a free account and get acces s to ACT/SAT test prep practice tests and video lessons.

The Critical Reader

Free online resources: ACT/SAT test prep quizzes, guides, and test taking tips.

Khan Academy

Free online resources: Create a free account and get access to SAT test prep and other subjects (non - SAT Math, History, Science, etc.) to build your skills/knowledge.

Free online resources: ACT/SAT test prep quizzes and tutorials.


Free online resources: ACT/SAT test prep quizzes.


Free online resources: ACT/SAT test prep quizzes and guides (SAT vocabulary, idioms).


Free online resources: ACT math practice test videos.


Free online resources: ACT/SAT practice tests.

Test Prep for Dummies

Free online resources: ACT, ACT Math, and SAT practice tests, tutorials, and testing information.


Free online resources: SAT practice test, tips, and strategies.


Free online resources: SAT Q&A and forum   


This is a small, general selection of ACT and SAT test prep books that have a strong reputation or are published by the test makers. Many of these books may be found in a school or public library. (If not, ask your librarian about borrowing through interlibrary loan.)

Tip: Consider buying older (no more than a few years) editions of the ACT test prep books to save; they are often updated only minimally year-to-year.

Tip: Avoid older editions of SAT test prep . The SAT is switching to a redesigned version of the test as of the March 2016 test date. 

ACT Test Prep Books:

  • The Real ACT Prep Guide by ACT

  • ACT Prep Black Book by Mike Barrett

  • The Complete Guide to ACT English by Erica L. Meltzer

  • Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT by Ri chard F Corn

  • The Complete Guide to ACT Reading by Erica L. Meltzer

  • Barron’s ACT books

SAT Test Prep Books:

  • Official SAT Study Guide by The College Board

  • SAT Prep Black Book by Mike Barrett

  • The Complete Guide to SAT Critical Reading by Erica L. Meltzer

  • SAT Math series by Steve Warner

  • Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar by Erica L. Meltzer

  • Barron’s SAT books


There are a limited number of test prep podcasts. These podcasts offer free audio test prep assistance available to download or stream from websites such as Podbay or podcast apps available through on smart phones .

SAT Preparation by Khan Academy

The College Checklist Podcast: College Admissions, Financial Aid, Scho larships, Test Prep, and more…

Phone Apps:

There are many free* apps available out there for your smart phone or tablet. If you are more of a visual learner and have a smart phone, phone apps may be a great way for you to increase your study time. *Be aware of in - app purchases and giving out personal information.