This is an action plan with suggestions to help you stay on track for college. 





  • Meet with your guidance counselor to ensure you are enrolled in college track courses

  • Establish goals for the year. Examples:

    • Academic

    • Social

    • Extra-curricular

    • Outside of school

    • New Interests

    • Mastering existing interests

  • Emphasize strengthening Language Arts and Algebra I-II skills

  • Prioritize how you want to become involved in the school (clubs, student government, sports, music, etc.)

  • Volunteer for local activities to become a part of your community

  • Keep focused on doing well in classes and seek extra help when needed

  • Meet with your Guidance Counselor to select courses and establish goals for Sophomore year

  • Create a broad college search plan and make a list of colleges to which you want to apply

  • Establish a summer plan, like:

    • A summer enrichment program at a local tribal college or university

    • A paying job

    • An internship or apprenticeship

  • Talk with your parents/guardian about some college goals and funding options.

    • Assessing assets and savings

    • Research scholarships, grants, and loans