This self-survey is intended to help guide your college research. You are encouraged to draw from your knowledge and experiences about college so you may determine what colleges you feel are the best match for you. If you feel you need more knowledge on college, feel free to research some colleges and revisit this page.

This will help you target the remainder of your college research so your research becomes more informed and beneficial to you.   

  • Do you want to attend a two-year or four-year school right out of high school? If a two-year school, what four-year school do you think you would continue on at?

  • What degree do you want to attain (Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD)?

  • Do you want to attend a public or private school?

  • Do you want to attend a religiously affiliated school?

  • What size school do you want to attend? Small ( Fewer than 3,000 students ) , Medium ( 3,000 to 15, 000 students), or Large ( 15,000 or more students) campus ?

  • Do you want to go to school close to home, far away or somewhere in between? How often would you want to visit your home and family while at college?

  • What kind of diversity are you looking for on your college campus? Do you want an ethnically /economically/politically/etc. diverse school?

  • Do you need other students like you around you while in college? Why/why not?

  • Do you want to go to an all-male, all-female , or co-ed college?

  • Would you like other students to be around the same age as you (about 17 - 22 years old)? Or do you want to be on campus with older students (25 years and above)?

  • What academic programs are you interested in pursuing in college? What are your career interests?

  • Do you want to study abroad in college, if so, to what country/countries?

  • Do you want to live primarily on or off campus in college? Why?

  • What student clubs/organizations/sports do you want to participate in at college?

  • Do you want to attend a school where sports are really big? ( E.g. a Division I school known for football, basketball, hockey, etc.) Why or why not?

  • What type of community do you want to live in during college, e.g. rural/suburban/urban? Do you want access to a variety of restaurants and shopping malls regularly or do you enjoy the outdoors?

  • Would you be interested in pursuing an independent research project in an academic field while in college? Why or why not?

  • Do you want regular access to the actual professors teaching the course or are you satisfied with teaching assistants?

  • On average, how big would you want your classes to be in college? (Ex: 1 0, 30, 50, 100 or more students)

  • Do you want to be on a college campus where you experience all four seasons? Do you prefer cooler or warmer, rainy or dry weather, etc?

  • What type of calendar system do you prefer for college? Semesters, quarters, or block schedules?